Enter your information below
Do you have any medical conditions that would prevent you from performing certain types of work?
If yes, please provide these conditions.
  • To work in a safe environment
  • To be treated with respect and courtesy
  • To receive support from One Voice &/or Partner Organisation Staff
  • In the event of an emergency contact the relevant emergency services
  • To ensure the vehicle is safe to drive prior to leaving the parking compound
  • To ensure no passengers are on-board the vehicle, except volunteers (max 1)
  • To understand and follow ALL Covid - 19 procedures when running the service
  • To drive in a safe and respectful manner, obeying all road rules and laws
  • To park the vehicle in a manner and location that is safe to operate the service
  • To take all reasonable measures to ensure staff/volunteers, patrons, and the public’s safety
  • To turn all systems on and engage the service for operation
  • To complete all administrative processes including reports and logbooks
  • To ensure the operational area is clean and tidy before leaving
  • To follow all end of service procedures
  • To return the vehicle directly to the parking compound in a safe manner, obeying all road laws
I understand that as the driver of the vehicle I will be responsible for the payment of the insurance excess up to ($1000) if (I) the driver is deemed to be at fault in the incident.
Age and inexperienced driver's Excess Charges
  • driver under 21 years of age: $850)
  • driver aged 21 years of age and under 25 years of age: $750)
  • driver aged 25 years of age and over, having held a licence less than two years: $750.
As a driver of the vehicle I understand that I will be responsible for any infringements / fines received while in possession of the vehicle.
I hereby grant One Voice permission to use my image/voice recorded on film/video/audio or other means to be used in promotions, social media posts or other forms of advertising for a period of ten (10) years from the date listed above. The undersigned does hereby warrant and represent that the undersigned has (have) full right and authority to enter into this agreement concerning the above described particulars, and that the content or permission of no other person, film, or corporation is necessary to enable One Voice the full rights to the use of said images/audio herein above mentioned, and that the undersigned does (do) hereby indemnify and agree to hold One Voice free and harmless from and against any and all loss, cost, liability, damages, claims of any nature, including, but not limited to attorney’s fees, arising from, growing out of or concerning a breach of the above warranty.
I acknowledge that I have read and understand the above information
Signature is required.
reCAPTCHA is required.